Member-only story
Why is it worth doing a 5 day fast?
Why is it worth doing a 5 day fast? 120 hours
Fasting Healing Tool, and the phases the body goes through
12–16 hr — Fat-burning starts, ketones start being produced, growth hormone increases, testosterone increases
17 hr — Dimmer switch, autophagy begins, become more efficient, remove and repair cells
24 hr — Gut repair begins
36 hr — Stubborn fat weigh loss begins
48 hr — Dopamine system reset through increase in dopamine receptors
72 hr — Reboot of immune system, white blood cells, stem cell production increases
120 hr — You have had 48 hours of Stem Cell Production which would probably cost you 10,000 GBP, that would be less effective than the stem cells produced by you because your neural pathways are setup to guide your cells to the optimal location.
And there are some fantastic after effects when you stop but that would be another post!